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About TravelFreak
TravelFreak is your trusted guide to adventure travel around the world. We are a team of devoted travelers publishing experiential insights backed by real-world data and extensive research.
Collectively, we’ve spent at least a few decades on the road. We’ve spent years of our lives living and working abroad. We’ve traveled on shoestring budgets and we’ve stayed in some of the world’s most lavish hotels. We’ve taken chicken buses through the countryside and travel hacked our way to business class. We’ve traveled with backpacks and suitcases for weekends and month long trips alike. We’ve traveled carry-on only and we’ve checked bags to the other side of the globe. We’ve scootered around Asia and cruised through the Bahamas.
Needless to say, we’ve done a lot. And we want to help you do a lot, too. Every article on TravelFreak is rooted in decades of experience of travel, exploring the globe and relentlessly testing gear along the way (and at home in our lab, too).