We fundamentally recognize that most people feel overwhelmed by underwhelming content. We’ve made it our mission to provide readers like you with straightforward, industry-leading expertise and research-backed advice.
Our team has spent decades on the road. We’ve spent years of our lives living and working abroad. We’ve traveled on shoestrings budgets and have stayed in some of the world’s most lavish hotels. We’ve taken chicken buses through the countryside and travel hacked our way to business class. We’ve traveled with both backpacks and suitcases for weeklong and monthlong trips alike. We’ve traveled carry-on only and we’ve checked bags to the other side of the globe. We’ve scootered around Asia and cruised through the Bahamas.
Needless to say, we’ve done a lot. And we want to help you do a lot, too. Every article on TravelFreak is rooted in decades of experience of travel, exploring the globe and relentlessly testing gear along the way (and at home in our lab, too).
Nothing is more important to us than the trust of our readers. Our business literally depends on it. We take very seriously our responsibility to provide the best information and recommendations possible.
Every piece of insight we provide on TravelFreak is based on first-person insight from a member of our team. And through of years of travel, we’ve come to develop a core set of values under which we operate.
We believe that life is best lived extraordinarily. We believe in rejecting the status quo and creating a fulfilling and impassioned life through travel. We believe the best trips are the ones with surprises. We also believe in preparing for those surprises as best we can.
We believe that investing in high-quality gear is a better choice than buying cheap stuff that breaks after a few trips. We believe in supporting small business and independent brands. Not only is it easier on your wallet in the long run, but it also keeps landfills from overflowing with throw-away junk. Buying quality is a way to combat a culture of overconsumption.
We also recognize that budgetary constraints are very real, and we always aim to make affordable recommendations wherever possible.
We believe that what’s best for the planet and for humanity is what’s best for us. Those of us who travel are blessed. Stunning wild landscapes and vibrant cultures around the world are things worth preserving. We aim to do our part by supporting brands that have a positive impact on the world, whether that’s through philanthropy or sustainable manufacturing.
And finally, we believe that experiences are more important than gear. It’s easy to obsess over the details (and, really, we just love to do that), but ultimately, the goal is to get out there and experience the world. Gear is a means to an end, and the best piece of gear is the one that gets out of the way and lets you focus on the moment.